e02 : Final Exam

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e02 true Final Exam Thu 07/28 09:30AM

Final Exam

Link to actual exam (this is only a placeholder after after the exam is complete, graded, and returned): Actual Exam.

Typos and clarifications

What is covered

Note that the exact coverage of each of these exams varies quite a bit, since the pace of topics, and placement of exams during the quarter can vary considerably. You are encouraged to look at all of them as examples of the types of questions you might be asked, but match them against the topics we have covered, vs. the ones we have not covered.

NOTE: NOT ALL PREVIOUS EXAMS ARE AVAILABLE. The available ones are linked to below.

Review of one important topic: four ways to (handle sorting, handle ActionListener’s)

This is not a complete treatment, but a reminder of something you need to know.

The material comes from a combination of HFJ Chapters 12,13 (for ActionListener), and from Chapter 16 (for sorting), plus the notes and examples from Lecture.

ActionListener stuff

If you want to define some behavior for a Swing widget, i.e. something that happens when you click a button, the usual way to do that is to use addActionListener to indicate an object of a class that implements the ActionListener interface.

We discussed four ways to do that, each of which has pros and cons:

There are many more details that you should have gotten from both lecture and from the textbook reading about the four items above.

Sorting stuff

The four ways are also there for sorting, but with a bit of variation

Know the difference between Comparable and Comparator.

Know the difference between compareTo and compare (see Comparable vs. Comparator)

Know the difference between java.util.Collection and java.util.Collections (with an s)

http://ucsb-cs56-m16.github.io/exam/e01 </div>

TODO: Fill in this information about the final exam.