Typo corrections and hints for M16 exam e02

On handout “A”, p. 1, (blue sheet): The descriptions of compare and compareTo are reversed from what they should be. That is:

In Question 4: The whole method, not just the function prototype.

In questions 7,8,9: Where you see Comparator<ArrayList>, CROSS IT OUT. Write Comparator<Student> instead.

In question 7: My intention was to NOT allow Lambda functions for this particular problem. But, since I didn’t clearly signal my intent, I will accept a correct answer based on lambda functions.

Question 9: Minor typo: there are three things in the list of things to notice, not two.

Also, instead of java.lang.Math.signum, you may also use either of these methods of class java.lang.Double

Those work in the usual way for a compare and compareTo method.
