lab02 : First look at Legacy Code

num ready? description assigned due
lab02 true First look at Legacy Code Wed 06/29 09:30AM Fri 07/01 05:00PM

In this lab, you’ll be working in the pair partners that you chose during lecture on Tuesday June 28 in lecture via the In-Class Assignment ic00.

If you are solo or trio programming, see this note.

Together with your pair partner, you will do the following steps.

  1. Get an assignment of a one the repos from the list of M16 lab02 available repos. You can’t just “choose” any one that you like; you need to be officially assigned one by a mentor, TA, or instructor. They will record your choice on that page.
  2. Once you’ve been assigned to a repo, the pair partner listed as pair partner 1 should fork the repo to their own githubid.
  3. Then, pair partner 1 should add pair partner 2 as a collaborator (and if applicable, pair partner 3).
  4. Whoever is driving, clone the forked repo to the computer where you are working (this may be a directory on CSIL, or it may be your own laptop or desktop machine. If it is your own computer, you’ll need to install Java 8, and Ant.)
  5. Once you have cloned the forked repo, create a file called in the root directory of the repo. In this file, at the top, put both pair partner’s names (if you prefer you may use first name last initial, e.g. Selena G., Justin T.)
  6. In that file, using Markdown formatting, write answers to the questions here: instructions.
  7. Commit that file to the forked repo, then do a pull request back to the UCSB-CS56-Project repo you forked from.
  8. Once you’ve done the pull request, record that you’ve done the pull request on Gauchospace, following the instructions here.

Then you are finished with lab02, and your first encounter with legacy code.

In your next encounter, you’ll start working on the “issues” that you read about during your first encounter, either for this same project, or for some other project to which you are assigned.